The October 2016 Nanimono Okada Masaki interview
The interview cover from I translated Okada Masaki’s October 2016 interview during the Nanimono promotion. I love this interview because it talks about his love for his career, the scene between him and Yamada Takayuki and his reason for not using any Social Network Service. 私は岡田将生の2016年「何者」のインタビュを翻訳しました。日本語の分は英語の後で。 The overall interview can be found here , and is titled as followed: 就活は静かな戦争!?6人の俳優語る若者たちの“リアル” Job searching is a quiet war?! Six actors speak of young people’s real experience Okada Masaki (岡田将生)’s part as Miyamoto Takayoshi (宮本隆良) Miyamoto Takayoshi (Okada Masaki) I thought that “this guy is cute” Q: Takayoshi is a university student who aspires to be a creator, yet at the same time he looks down on Takuto and his friends for their job hunting endeavours. When reading the script, what kind of impression did you have of this Takayoshi character? In some ways, I thought that Takayoshi is a character with a role to spice things up. Th...