WOWOW Hamlet celebration interview

Kuroki Haru (Ophelia) and Okada Masaki (Hamlet) promoting the WOWOW broadcast for 31 August 2019


Pardon my absence for the last few months; my real life prevented me from doing anything Masaki-related (translation とか, making a new MV とか…). But in late September, Wisteria-san sent me her transcription of an interview that Okada Masaki and Kuroki Haru made for the Hamlet WOWOW broadcast, and I really like that interview. Hence, here’s my translation of that interview transcript. Wisteria-san was actually more than capable of translating their interview into English herself, but I specifically asked her to send me her transcription in Kanji and kana, so that I can practice my Japanese. Hence, any mistakes in this translation is entirely mine, except for some parts where I’ve asked Wisteria-san for help, for those parts proved to be too difficult for me to understand.

While I understand that most overseas fans have not seen Hamlet yet (IDK whether anyone has uploaded the WOWOW broadcast of Hamlet), I hope you can connect once again with Masaki here. We haven’t heard much from him this semester, but I think he’s doing well. He looked healthy and happy in his short Christmas gig; it seems he has finally caught much of his needed sleep.

Also, Merry Christmas for this 2019 and Happy New Year for 2020. So many things have happened (and continue to happen) world-wide, such that I really hope we can have true peace (and yes, justice and freedom as well) in 2020. I think we deserve no less.

And I hope we see more of Masaki and his work in 2020. I do miss him so…

The WOWOW Hamlet celebration interview

Solo interview

About the stage appearance

My stage debut was with Ninagawa-san. The first time I did the stage play with him has been such a great fortune for me. He taught me the fun and fear of the stage, he truly triggered my love for the stage. For that, I am very grateful. Even now, I have the feeling that Ninagawa-san is watching every performance of this Hamlet.

About the stage practice

Well, this Hamlet is truly a work made by everyone. This scene’s interpretation was born out of everyone’s idea, which was then incorporated into this performance. Such was the style of this production. Although I am playing Hamlet, I think it was truly everyone’s work. Indeed, every day at the practice hall, the idea of each person in the entire cast was used. I had a lot of lines, hence I had my own hardship. However, I truly have the impression that this work was created together with everyone.

About the team

As Simon would often say, communication is very important to everyone. Thus, before the first rehearsal began, the team would form a tiny circle and check everyone’s physical and mental conditions. From then on, we started the practice. Only then I basically felt that the practice hall was open. Yet I now think that such a habit is a good practice.

It was truly the first time for me to understand something like, “Ah, s/he was having a hard time today”. That’s why everyone in this team wholeheartedly creates this production.

(Thanks so much, Wisteria-san for your advice on this part!)

Thus, I keep this thing that I have noticed and pointed out earlier alive for the next performance. This time, I am also using that habit (of checking that everyone is okay), such that I feel that the team that Simon has created remains here this time around.

On facing the first day

Oh, I was really scared. That fear was so real…The role of Hamlet I have this time was a role that I truly felt, such that when I was alone on the stage, I became very scared. But the (lighting) team somewhat truly showed me the way by illuminating me with the light, thus after finishing that performance, I thought that the stage was truly lovely. On that first day, I truly felt that this Hamlet, created together by this team, was truly a work that would remain in my memory. Yes, I truly feel so.

With Kuroki Haru, the actress of Ophelia

Regarding Director Simon Godwin

Masaki (M): He’s truly an interesting person, right?

Haru (H): Yes, he’s truly interesting. He’s like, “Good! Good! Yeah!” (ed: giving encouragement) so that we can increase the tension as expected.

M: Yes, but Haru-chan, although you already said that before, in the first place, it’s not that I disagree with you or what, but I think Simon did that mainly to praise the actors first. Then, from there on, he started to give more corrections.

(Note: Masaki called Haru “Haru-chan”, which I find very cute… - Okay, it’s not a secret that I actually ship these two IRL as well because Haru totally supported Masaki during and after the curtain calls, as well as that Masaki also waited for Haru during the get-together after some performances…)  

H: So it seems.

M: It‘s really lovely. Regarding struggles or difficulties, what did Simon say about that?...We shouldn’t beat around the bush when saying a word like “This is it!”. The first time I failed to understand something, though Simon said, “Not like that, Masaki! It’s like this, like this, here, it’s like this!”, I still couldn’t understand it, and that was quite a struggle. But because the understanding came gradually, I eventually had fun.

H: What kind of thing was that, the thing you didn’t understand?

M: Ah, that one. When he said, “Masaki, the Master!”

H: Ah, okay, okay. Is that when he said, “A cat!”

M: Yes! He said, “Masaki, a cat! A cat!” I can only say about that scene. Anyway, I should do something like a cat. Then I should become a master, then be a tiger, and so on and so forth..., hahaha!

H: Ah, okay… But I feel that you slowly understood it, thus it was interesting, wasn’t it?

M: Yes, wasn’t it interesting? Ah, right, when you understand what you’ve been seeking for, it creates a very good relationship with the performance itself and the rest of the cast, doesn’t it? Thus, the practice hall was fun… Now, every day I go on, thinking of what awaits me today.

Favourite scenes

H: I like the scene with the Polonius family. It was bright (heart-warming)…
M: It was indeed bright.
H: After all, there is only that one happy scene…
M: Quite so.
H: Yes.
M: Well, there’s no happy scene at all for me.
H: Hahaha!
M: None at all. From the start, I was already at the bottom, depressed, right…
H: Indeed, from the beginning. But do you truly not have any happy scenes?

(Note: Haru was saying “waaa-”, which I interpreted as heart-warming or happy scene. Since later Masaki replied with a Horatio-related scene, I take it Haru was asking about a happy scene)

M: Well, yes, there’s the scene with Horatio, the moment when Hamlet truly grasped the truth (of his father’s death), the play between the two of them was fun.
H: Yes, that one was nice.
M: Yes, perhaps it’s true that, there are moments this time where I was involved with the audience and they somehow sympathized with me (my role).

Favourite lines

M: It’s not that I’m praising myself, but there’s a line which, from the meaning alone, is very good; it is also quite different every day. Because of that, the “To be or not to be” is of course also a very famous line and that’s why I like it. Even in ordinary conversations, this line is surprisingly good. Lately, the line is also famous in the context of “the wind of impermanence”, thus I like it.

(Note: I think the 「無常の風は」or the “the wind of impermanence” must be referring to a recent (per mid 2019) event in Japan? Or did Masaki just talk about the general impermanence of life?)

Also, “Whatever will be will be” is something that becomes increasingly important, thus I’ve been quite fond of this “To be or not to be” line as of late.

(note: I translated 「なるようになればよい」or `naru yō ni nareba yoi' into “Whatever will be will be” or “Que sera sera”)

H: I like the last line.

M: Eh, which last line?

H: Well, that was when everyone started to have heart-pounding moments, the moment that I thought the viewers got their hearts pounding like crazy.  “Are everyone truly watching silently like that…?”, so I thought.

M: I wouldn’t be able to tell, but I think I saw the audience’s behaviour in front of me...I might have seen them. More and more people covering their mouths with their hands and turning their eyes away, right? (laugh)

H: Yes, indeed.

M: That’s why I think it was interesting… Slowly slowly, by watching me acting so, gradually everyone was covering their mouths with their hands in sync (laugh). I find it very interesting indeed.

(note: I translated 連鎖的に as “in sync”)

Don't know which one was sadder.
Hamlet and Gertrude's (Matsuyuki Yatsuko) final farewell... (Source)

Or Hamlet's and Horatio's (Tateyama Hayata) final farewell... (Source)

The fun scenes

H: There was that grape-throwing scene (laugh). Every time, I either changed the number of grapes I threw, or I didn’t throw the grape, or I tried throwing a strawberry. In fact, I made minor changes every time such that Tamaki-san and others ran backstage and passed me totally unrelated snacks. I was indeed a bit too playful…

(Note: Haru mentioned a word ボルティ (Balti? Volty?) of which meaning I don’t understand. Google produced images of motorcycles when I googled that word…) 

Everyone made slight changes to freshen things up. Hajime-san also changed his positions every now and then…

M: Is that so…

H: As for me, there was that scene where Hamlet was resting on my lap...There were some playful moments (laugh) where you were making “Ha! Ha!” noise, and I always had to refrain from laughing.

M: It was because I was so excited and kept saying “Ha! Ha!” or so to Hana-chan, because it was amusing to see your reactions…

(Thanks so much, Wisteria-san for your advice on this part!)

H: It was a bit lonely without it.

M: Ah haha!... Well, I really hope that our viewers understand that we’re having fun while portraying our roles so that the viewers also can enjoy the performance.

About the highlights

H: I think it is a fast-paced play. With respect to the characters, it’s not just about Hamlet and Ophelia alone; it also truly contains the back stories of each character. Because I think it’s a play where human relationships truly emerge, well, I think watching it live would be different from watching it from the broadcast. However, I think you can see the detailed expressions of the actors just because of watching it on the broadcast. Thus, I hope you enjoy watching it.

M: This time around, this Hamlet – with this cast, staff and also Simon – is ready, but it is not yet finished. It is a production with plenty room for growth. It’s a work where everyone can make their own inquiries (about the play) and create something good out of it. Thus, after that premiere that went away in an instant, after going through the first month, I am very happy that you are still watching this play for us. I hope you can accept this Hamlet that we made together.

WOWOW “HAMLET” 放送記念インタビュー












華(以下H):うん、面白かったですね。Good! Good! Yeah! みたいな…。けっこうこっちもちゃんとテンション上げてくれるように自分も上がってらっしゃった…。









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