“I’m glad that I chose this career” (Mirai no Hahen last section, p 122)
I’ve translated the last section of interview in p 122 of “Mirai no Hahen” (“Fragments of the Future”). I’m guessing the context of some of the translations, so if you spot any mistakes, please let me know. 日本語の分は英語の後で。 Mirai no Hahen p 125 "I’m glad that I chose this career. As years go by, I grow to like this job more. Is it not so? Many directors would say that there are different ways of directing, arranging and filming a performance. Every time, I would look at a performance with a fresh spirit. Each time, I would feel nervous as a new primary school kid. Gradually, I would make the role my own. Thus, whatever role I take, I see it as a part of my body and soul.