The August 2017 Nikkei Style interview
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Source: Nikkei Style |
Below is my translation of a Nikkei Style interview of Okada Masaki for his role as Nijimura Keichō in the 2017 Jojo Bizarre Adventure. I put the English translation first, then the Kanji-kana and followed by the Romaji. I hope you like it. Let me know if I mis-translated anything. ARJ, the book part is for you!
4 August 2017
Okada Masaki’s shyness, personal assurance, and his 20 pairs of glasses
Okada Masaki has played a range of roles from live-action teenage heroes to criminals and supra-naturals. What are the most important things that would calm the late 20s “Ikemen actor”? Also, what items would make him feel at home in his hotel room in Spain?
Filtering glasses
“I don’t have attachment with a lot of things. I don’t do much shopping. However, for glasses, I might as well have many.
My eyesight is bad; I’ve worn glasses since primary school. Although I’m using contact lenses these days, my glasses still piled up from yesteryears. I have about 20 pairs of glasses to date. I particularly like round glasses. I like round designs more than square ones.
I usually wear glasses whenever I meet someone for the first time. Because I’m shy, I got nervous and worn out easily during first meetings. However, the glasses provided me with an assurance. The lenses separated me from the other person, becoming a type of filter (laugh).
Because my eyesight is really bad, I need thick lenses, which also make my eyes look very small. Thus, in the mornings when I didn’t wear my contact lenses, my co-stars were surprised to see me coming to the scenes with glasses. “You look like an Otaku!” they would say (laugh).”
The school uniform hairstyle, the importance of visual impressions
The latest work of Okada released on 4 August (2017) is Araki Hirohiko’s "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamonds are Unbreakable". This year, the series enjoys its 30th anniversary from the "Weekly Shonen Jump" run. Having read the manga for a long time, Okada’s role is the blond square-haired, secretive Morioh high school student Nijimura Keichō with a superior Stand.
I first knew Jojo when I was in secondary school. A manga-lover friend told me that this series is “not to be missed”, hence I collected all the series. Since the series had a lot of volumes, I didn’t finish collecting them until high school (laugh). This manga means that much to me.
When I got news that I would play this role, I was like “Really, am I doing this (live action) for real?”. To be honest, it was like “Seriously??” (laugh). But because I really like it, I had to give it all. I’m also grateful that I can portray an 18 years old character when I’m already in my late 20s.
About my role as Keichō, I don’t see him as a real evil. He’s actually someone with his own conviction. Original fans would call him “one of the three big brothers”, thus I would like to convey such a feeling. That’s why Keichō’s relationship with his little brother Okuyasu (played by Arata Mackenyu) is such an important aspect here.”
Understanding the peculiarity and uniqueness of this character and his universe is not enough. His visual is also very important.
“In particular was Keichō’s terrible hairstyle. At one point I did ponder, “Really, do we want to reproduce this hairstyle?” (laugh). Several times we tried to work it out with the hair stylist.
The costumes, although similar to that of high school uniforms, were made to make the wearers look taller and beautiful to look at. Accordingly, the shoe soles were made higher.
I wore the high school uniform for a long time, it is rather embarrassing (laugh). However, the costume designer and make-up artists transformed us into cool characters, thus I was able to “switch” into my role. I was once again saved, and once again realised that “for actors, visuals are very important”.
The active Bluetooth speaker in Spain
“Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures: Diamonds are Unbreakable” is a collaboration between Toho and Warner Bros. Director Miike Takashi wanted to shoot the movie in the Spanish Mediterranean town of Sitges (near Barcelona).
I’m sure there are fans who were wondering why we had to shoot the movie in Spain. Spain and Japan have different feelings and different buildings with different emotions as well. However, after watching the complete work, I think it was good to have the shooting in Spain.
For about a month, everyone stayed at the same hotel, thus our teamwork naturally improved. Particularly with (Yamazaki) Kento, (Kamiki) Ryunosuke and Arata (Mackenyu), almost every day we would eat together and thus we got along very well.
I was actually worried: I over-ate those Spanish dishes and gained a bit of weight (laugh). Everyone’s costume had been tailor-suited, we had to maintain our figure. “Just a little meat…then we’re overeating…” that’s what we said, but everyone (including me) had to eventually run it off.
The BOSE Bluetooth SoundLink Mini speakers were brought to this location in Spain
“I received the speakers from Tanaka Yōji-san (ed: he played with Masaki in 2015 Fuben na Benriya), I would bring it with me whenever I had to stay overnight. At times, I would listen to a particular music to raise tension that I need to bring to the scene. Whenever I need to calm down, I would listen to another type of music instead. In the mornings when I can listen to relaxing music, I would think that it was a nice day indeed, a nice feeling indeed (laugh).
Since I like reading novels, I also brought books, particularly those of my favourite writer Nakamura Fuminori. Among them is the “Kyōdan X” (published by Shueisha), which I read during my resting days in Spain, in addition to other books I brought with me.
The hotel I stayed in Spain was a beachfront hotel. In the morning, while drinking coffee at the veranda, I would sing along the music from the speaker and read a novel… That was a really nice time spent (laugh).”
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Source: Nikkei Style |
人見知りの岡田将生 かけると安心、20個のメガネ
8月4日公開の最新作は、「週刊少年ジャンプ」に開始され、今年30周年となる荒木飛呂彦の代表作「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」を実写映画化した『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章』。マンガは以前から愛読していたという岡田さんが演じるのは、「スタンド」と呼ばれる超能力を持って、舞台となる杜王町を暗躍する高校生・虹村形兆(にじむら・けいちょう)。金髪かつ、四角いリーゼントが特徴のキャラクターだ。
『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章』は、東宝とワーナー・ブラザース ジャパンが初めてタッグを組んで配給する大作。監督の三池崇史氏の提案により、スペインの地中海沿いの町、シッチェスで長期ロケが行われた。
そんなスペインロケに持参していたのが、BOSEのBluetoothスピーカー「SoundLink Mini」だった。
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Source: Nikkei Style |
Hitomishiri no okadamasaki kakeru to anshin, 20-ko no megane
Tōshindai no seinen-yaku kara deka-yaku, chō nōryoku-sha made habahiroi yakugara o enjite kita okadamasaki-san. 20-Dai kōhan ni natta `ikemen haiyū' no toppuran'nā ga `aru to ochitsuku' to iu mono to wa. Soshite, Supein no hoteru de shifukunoji o kureta `shukuhaku roke no tomo'-teki kaden to wa?
■ Megane ga aite to no firutā ni
`boku, mono ni shūchaku ga nai ndesu yo. Kaimono mo amari shinai ndesu. Demo, megane wa motte iru hō kamo shiremasen.
Me ga waruinode, shōgakusei no koro kara zutto megane o kakete ita ndesu. Ima wa kontakuto o tsukete iru ndesukedo, mukashikara kakete itanode, yappari megane no hō ga ochitsukimasu.Date megane mo fukumeru to, 20-ko kurai wa motte imasu ne. Tokuni sukina no wa maru megane. Shikaku yori marui dezain no hō ga sukina ndesu.
Shotaimen no hito ni au toki wa megane o kakete iku koto ga ōi ka na. Hitomishirinanode, shotaimen no hitoniau to, kinchō shite tsukare chau. Demo, megane o kakete iru to anshin suru tokoro ga arimasu. Aite to no ma ni renzu ga aru node, firutā ni naru to iu ka (Emi).
Tada boku wa hontōni shiryoku ga yowakute,-do-tsuki megane wa renzu ga buatsui ndesu. Kakeru to me ga chīsaku mieru. Dakara asa, kontakuto ga hairanakute megane de genba ni iku to, kyōen-sha no kata ni odoroka remasu. “Otaku mitai! ” Tte (Emi)'
■ Kamigata ni gaku ran, bijuaru no taisetsu-sa jikkan
8 Tsuki 4-nichi kōkai no saishin-saku wa,`shūkan Shōnenjanpu' ni kaishi sa re, kotoshi 30-shūnen to naru araki hirohiko no daihyō-saku `jojonokimyōnabōken' o jissha eiga-ka shita “jojonokimyōnabōken daiyamondohakudakenai daiisshō”. Manga wa izen kara aidoku shite ita to iu Okada-san ga enjiru no wa,`sutando' to yoba reru chō nōryoku o motte, butai to naru moriōchō o an'yaku suru kōkōsei nijimurakeichō (nijimu ra kei chō). Kinpatsu katsu, shikakui rīzento ga tokuchō no kyarakutāda.
` “Jojo” to no deai wa chūgakusei no toki. Manga-sukina tomodachi ga “zettai ni tōranakya ikenai michida” to rikisetsu shite itanode, 1-kan zutsu isshōkenmei atsumete itta ndesu. Kansū ga ōi sakuhin'nanode, sai shinkan ni oitsuku no wa kōkō jidai made kakarimashita (Emi). Sōiu imi demo omoiire no tsuyoi mangadesu ne.
Shutsuen no ohanashi o itadaita toki wa,“(jissha-ka o) hontōni yaru nda ~a” to omoimashita. Shōjiki ni ieba “maji ka ̄ ” to (Emi). Demo sukidakara koso, kakawaru kagiri wa zenryoku de yaranakya ikenaishi, 20-dai kōhan ni natte mo, 18-sai no kōiu yaku o moraeru no wa arigatai natte iu kimochi mo arimashita.
Boku ga enjiru katachi chō wa, zettai-tekina warude wa naku, shin'nen o motte iru kyarakutā. Gensaku no fanga “san dai aniki” to yonde iru hodo ī anikinanode, sōiu kanji ga dasetara ī na to. Dakara (Arata Makkenyu-san ga enjiru) otōto no okuyasu (o kuyasu) to no kankei-sei wa tonikaku daiji ni enjite imasu'
Dokutoku no sekai-kan to kosei-tekina kyarakutā de shira reru sakuhin dake ni, enjiru yaku no bijuaru ni mo kodawatta.
`Tokuni taihendatta no wa kaminoke. “Hontōni kore o saigen suru no ka? ” To iu tokoro kara sutāto shite (Emi), heameiku-san to nankai mo nankai mo shikōsakugo shinagara tsukuriagete ikimashita.
Ishō wa, shinchō ga takaku natte kirei ni mieru yō ni, kutsuzoko o takaku shite, sore ni awa sete tsukutte moratta gaku ran o kite imasu.
Hisabisa ni kimashita nē,-gaku ran. Hazukashīdesu yo, yappari (Emi). Demo ishō-san to meiku-san ga kakkoyoku kyarakutā o tsukutte kudasattanode, ishō o kiru to suitchi ga hairu. Tasuke raremashitashi,“bijuaru wa, yakusha ni totte sugoku taisetsuna nda na” to aratamete shiru koto ga dekimashita'
■ Supein de katsuyaku shita burūto~ūsu supīkā
“jojonokimyōnabōken daiyamondohakudakenai daiisshō” wa, Tōhō to wānā burazāsu Japan ga hajimete taggu o kunde haikyū suru taisaku. Kantoku no miiketakashi-shi no teian ni yori, Supein no chichūkai-zoi no machi, shitchesu de chōki roke ga okonawa reta.
` “Nani de Supein? ” To omotte iru gensaku fan mo iru to omou ndesukedo, Supein ni wa Nihon to wa chigau kūki-kan ga atte, jōcho no aru tatemono mo ōi. Soko ni tatsu dake de, e ni naru ndesu. Boku wa kansei shita sakuhin o mita toki ni, Supein de satsuei dekite yokatta to omoimashita.
Yaku 1-kagetsu, min'na de onaji hoteru ni tomatte itanode, chīmuwāku mo shizen to yoku narimashita ne. Tokuni (Yamazaki) kenjin ya shinboku (ryūnosuke),(arata) makkenyu to wa hobo Mainichi issho ni gohan o tabete itanode, sugoku nakayoku narete.
Komatta no wa, Supein ryōri no tabe-sugi de, futotta koto (Emi). Min'na jibun ni pittari no ishō o tsukutte moratte itanode, taikei o iji shinakya ikenai. “Chotto niku, tabe sugida yo ne……” to iu toki wa, min'na de hashittari,-tai o ugokashi tari mo shite imashita'
Son'na Supein roke ni jisan shite ita no ga, bōzu no burūto~ūsu supīkā `SoundLink minī'datta.
`Supīkā wa tanaka yōji-san ni itadaita nodesuga, tomari de roke ni iku toki wa, daitai motte ikimasu. Tenshon o ageru tame ni ongaku o kiite genba e iku koto mo arimasushi, gyaku ni kibun o ochitsuka setai toki ni nagashi tari mo shimasu. Asa ni yuttari to shita kyoku o nagashite iruto “ī 1-nichida nā” to omoete, ī kanjidesu yo (Emi).
Boku wa shōsetsu o yomu no mo sukinanode, hon mo motte ikimashita. Tokuni boku ga sukina sakka wa nakamura fuminori-san. Nakademo “kyōdan X” (Shūeisha) ga sukina ndesuga, Supeinde wa yasumi no hi mo kekkō attanode, Nakamura-san no hon dakedenaku, iroirona hon o motte itte yonde imashita.
Supein de tomatta hoteru wa, umi no me no maedatta ndesu yo. Asa, beranda de kōhī o nominagara, supīkā kara ongaku o nagashite, shōsetsu o yomu……. Sore wa subarashī jikandeshita (Emi)'