Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū Ep 4 recap

Kikumiyo in Ep 3 (yeah yeah, but I like this shot very much...and it's high-res!)

I found a better channel to live-stream NHK, so this time, I had little trouble, though I still lost some important seconds because of the buffering. 

The year was 1954. In this episode, Hatsutaro/Sukeroku started to appear in TV. He also remained popular with his guests. Kikuhiko got better with Rakugo, his audience loved him more. All the time, Miyokichi still came to see Kiku’s performance and support him. 

Miyokichi (left bottom corner) watched Kiku's Rakugo

Kiku still dated Miyo (that would be at least a year of dating then) and often visited her at her place. He did fancy her, I think, but he also wasn’t showing that very much, despite her obvious love to him. I think Miyo asked Kiku, if one day he decides to ditch her, please consider killing her instead.


 Kiku dismissed Miyo’s suggestion as being silly. 

How I wish Miyo-Kiku love story wouldn't follow the manga version...

One afternoon, Kiku met Kimura Shisho, a colleague of Yakumo VII shisho. This shisho was very good at Shinigami (actually, the shisho was played by Yanagiya-san who trained Masaki on Rakugo). Kiku asked the master to teach him Shinigami (the God of Death) story. Kimura shisho agreed, and started to teach Kiku in his own messy room. Kiku repeatedly tried the expressions shisho taught him.

Yanagiya-san performed as Rakugo shisho who helped Kiku with Shinigami

Masaki, I mean Kiku mesmerised by Yanagiya-san's Shinigami

Kiku practiced Shinigami with the shisho (played by Yanagiya-san), source

Meanwhile, Miyo was waiting for Kiku to no avail...

Shisho Yakumo VII was very happy with Kiku’s progress, but Shisho warned Kiku not to see Miyo again. To his credit, Kiku was actually stunned when he received that ultimatum (delivered kindly, but nonetheless!). 

That night, Miyo actually waited for Kiku in his rented room. She even bought him a new walking stick and asked Kiku if she could keep his old one instead. Kiku was very cold to Miyo that she was disheartened and left (but not without Kiku's old walking stick). Outside, Miyo hugged Kiku's old walking stick and cried before she walked away. 

Suke, who was in the room when Miyo arrived, scolded Kiku for his attitude. Kiku said that Shisho told him to break up with Miyo, and that was what he was going to do.

Idiot! バカ!

Kiku being cold to Miyo (he needs a slap) while Suke watched in disbelief
(red is definitely Omasa Aya's colour!)

(Anyway, it seems Kiku finally keep Miyo's walking stick. I re-checked Ep 1 again to check if the walking stick is the same with what Miyo gave him. It seems it's the exact same stick; black with silver head. Hence, I'm certain that Kiku have kept the walking stick Miyo gave him.)

This is the walking stick Miyo gave Kiku

And he did accept it, albeit in a disgruntled manner

Yakumo's walking stick in Ep 1 seems to be similar
or the same with the one Miyokichi gave him

The walking stick Yakumo put against the wall looks similar to what Miyo gave him

Here's the walking stick again, in the opening credit of the series this time. 
I think it's the walking stick Miyo gave Kiku

Later, Yakumo VII took Kiku touring Japan. Miyo didn't know this, so she was disappointed when she couldn't find Kiku's slot in the Yose. Miyo was walking lonely in town when she saw some advertisement about Kiku (I think). She then met Suke who bought her drinks and chatted with her. Miyo said that she was such an idiot for falling for an unattainable person like Kiku. 

Suke: "Don't mind me. I'm just chatting with a girl I love who happened to be the quasi
girlfriend of my dear childhood friend-bro, who is an idiot for letting her go!"

When Miyo was about to leave, Suke hugged her despite her protest. At that time, Kiku arrived, carrying some flowers (I bet, like in the manga, he was about to give the flowers to Miyo). Miyo desperately tried to explain that there was nothing between her and Suke, but Kiku coldly dismissed her explanation. Kiku and Miyo had a fight; she was going to slap her when he prevented her in a scary, Keichō-like manner. In despair, Miyo screamed “Baka! You idiot!” and left. 

I agree with her. Kiku is an idiot.  

(I think Kiku deserved the slap, if you ask me!)

Suke told Kiku to chase Miyo, but Kiku said that he (Kikuhiko) didn’t have the rights for that because, although he loved her, he was going to break up with her anyway. 

(kudos to Masaki here; you can see the pain Kiku had within him for doing that idiotic thing to Miyo... the regrets in Masaki's eyes were very palpable). 

Then Suke and Kiku had a chat about rakugo and Miyo (Kiku still carried the flowers he had... assumingly for Miyo). In the manga, Kiku said he had to explore his rakugo on his own, not in the shadows of Suke. Suke agreed and said he'd distance himself from now on. Not sure that this dialogue transpired in the NHK ver, though, I have to re-watch it to be sure. 

Then, Suke left Kiku's rent house. Kiku doubled up his efforts to perfect his Rakugo. Yet... the flowers that he brought that day for Miyo... Kiku still kept the flowers even when they already dried up.

Here Kiku was holding a bouquet of flowers,
which according to manga would be for Miyo

After his fight with Miyo, Kiku still brought the flowers during his talk with Suke

... and Kiku still kept the flowers even after they dried up...

Later, Kiku was about to perform his solo recital of Shinigami when Miyo’s friend O-Ei san told her to just see his performance. Miyo stopped her drinking and ran towards the Yose. Yet, outside the yose, Miyo fell down due to a pain in her stomach. I think Kiku didn’t know that. Miyo ended up not seeing the recital because of her illness.

Kikuhiko performing his recital (Shinigami, I think)(source)

One year later, Kiku and Suke were now Shin’iuchi. Kiku asked what Suke was going to perform, the latter said he didn’t know yet. 

Kikuhiko and Sukeroku were now Shin'iuchi (source)

Turns out, Suke performed Inokori, the trade mark of the Head of Rakugo Association. That act invited cheers from the audiences and admiration from Kiku (because Inokori is a very difficult story to perform), yet Shisho Yakumo VII lost face in front of the Kaichō (the Head of Association). 

(kudos again to Masaki here when he portrayed how Kiku was so shocked to hear Suke performing Kaichō's Inokori, yet he was also mesmerised by Suke's performance. And yes, Yamazaki Ikusaburo was also very charming here!)

That night, Kiku finally visited Miyo. He apologised for not visiting her earlier, but he remained cold and distance. He also said that she could slap him if she wished, but she said she could not do that to the face and person she loved the most. 

Damnit Kiku, you're such a $@*&head!

Kiku, you beautiful $*#&(@#!!! (Source)

Maintaining his aloof facade, Kiku advised Miyo to be independent and not depending on others. Miyo got angry and swore revenge towards Kiku. She left the room, slamming the shoji, while Kiku stayed in the room, his eyes gleaming in regret for what he "had" to do.

Meanwhile, Shisho Yakumo VII sternly reprimanded Sukeroku for performing Inokori without permission. Shisho told Suke that he’d give the Yakumo title to Kikuhiko instead. In a heated discussion, Suke exploded, which led to Shisho expelling him from school.

Fuming, Sukeroku stormed out of Shisho’s house. He later met Miyokichi who confesses that Kikuhiko just dumped him. Miyo and Suke embraced intimately L


Most of the aspects in this episode correspond well to Chapter 3 of the manga. However,  I don't think Kikuhiko learned Shinigami from the Rakugo shisho who was portrayed by Yanagiya-sensei. I don't mind that change, though. It's nice to include a real Rakugo master in the scenes.

Also, NHK still added Miyo-Kiku scenes, which I have no problem with cos I do think Okada Masaki and Omasa Aya had good onscreen chemistry. I LOVE it that NHK cemented Kiku's love to Miyokichi (albeit belatedly realised) in the form of Kiku keeping the walking stick Miyo gave him.

Of course, NHK still had to break Kiku and Miyo, so nothing can be done about it… but I’m “glad” to see Kiku was actually sad when Miyo wasn’t looking. I also find that Aya's Miyo is more to my taste. She doesn't have that snobbish or deranged look on her face when she swore vengeance; she was more hurt and angry, but not tipping towards being a lunatic. The manga version certainly painted her as almost lunatic when she declared she'd meet Kiku again in hell, and I just find it too scary. Perhaps that's how many fans like Miyo to be portrayed, but I like Aya's version better. Aya's version of Miyokichi is a lonely woman who just wanted to be loved. She was more fragile than the manga version, without the facade of the manga version, and I like her better that way. 

Yamazaki Ikusaburo was very charming as Sukeroku. I love his problematic Inokori and his carefree attitude. I think sometimes I'm like Kiku; I wish I had Sukeroku's attitude, but I just didn't have the psyche or guts for it.

I also love how Okada Masaki explored Shinigami with Yanagiya-san. I like how Masaki slowly cranked up Kikuhiko’s performance… such that one day (back in Ep 1 and also in next episodes), the old Yakumo VIII would perform Shinigami, Shinagawa Shinjū etc with such a passion. 

Also reporting: I understand that Asahi Shimbun (one of the most prominent newspapers in Japan) and Mainichi newspapers have been giving good coverage of this series. 

It seems, despite its low watching rating (ranging 3-4% now for Tohoku region), this series definitely ranks in the good series up there. As I don’t really care about rating (but I care a lot about quality), I don’t really care about SGRS’s number of audience. As long as good newspapers like Asahi Shimbun gives thumbs up, that’s good enough for me.

And even if Asahi doesn’t give a thumb up, I’ll still give it thumbs up anyway, for I really admire the dedication of the director, cast and crew here.  

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