TNK Interview: Okada Masaki could not play Yoritomo without Anne

Okada Masaki (forgot where I got this from...)

Below is my translation of the article in Cinema Today Japan on 18 November 2012. I used Google Translator for word-to-word meaning and common sense (a huge dose of it) for general meaning to understand the article, so please forgive me for the (many many) mistakes I surely make...

Okada Masaki could not play Yoritomo without Anne

Okada Masaki (the narrator of the currently-airing Taiga Drama ‘Taira no Kiyomori’ and the actor who portrayed the Genji leader Minamoto no Yoritomo) talked about his perception of an ideal couple.

The captivating series that shows a distinctive rendition of the life of Taira no Kiyomori is coming to an end. The story willnow focus on Yoritomo raising an army and the destruction of the Taira. Okada, who was responsible for the narration from the first episode, said that he was totally taken by the Heike’s strength. “I think this is the story of a strong person. I think a person like that will also have a brighter future in the modern Japan. I have become a big fan of Kiyomori; until the shooting in July, I was a total Heike.”

Also, Okada had a strong impression towards Matsuyama Kenichi who played Taira no Kiyomori, “Kiyomori is a super human. The energy of Matsuyama Kenichi who played Kiyomori was also amazing. His strength is growing over time rapidly to mimic his father’s. The only Kiyomori to me is Mr Matsuyama’s.” However, there is no scene between the grown up Yoritomo with Kiyomori. “As Yoritomo, I’d like to at least have one interaction with Matsuyama-san’s Kiyomori. ‘You two are never to meet,’ so I was once told. I thought I would meet him, but it was not to be the case. I thought, ‘Why can’t I meet him?!’”.

Played by Okada Masaki, this Yoritomo would live a life of seclusion in Izu, a foreign, unreliable place somewhere. “But I thought Yoritomo was supposed to be a strong leader. So I thought, but it seems not to be the case this time.” He laughed to himself, “Tsukamoto Takashi (who played Tō-Kuro) always said that [Yoritomo] looked like a grandpa (an old person).”

However, it was Masako who would later transform Yoritomo. Yoritomo with his ‘everything remains the same’ and Masako with ‘let’s change the future’ tried to understand each other despite their opposing nature. Eventually, their complimentary nature enhanced each other. "Their relationship is of an ideal couple," said Okada. 

Okada Masaki and Watanabe Anne during their first 'Taira no Kiyomori' press conference

Okada said that scenes with Masako always made his heart tremble. ‘I kept staring and couldn’t look away. Such was the power of those scenes,’ he added. The relationship between Masako and Yoritomo had an impact on Okada’s relationship with (Watanabe) Anne. “Whenever we meet, I received something from her. For instance, once we bought a Yukari Yoritomo amulet from the Izusan Shrine for me. ‘This is fine. Stand up’ [said Anne]. Up till now, I still cherish the amulet I put inside my wallet,” Okada said with a smile. 

The way Yoritomo could not establish the Kamakura shogunate without Masako’s presence, Okada could do worse without Anne’s presence. “I’d like to explore possible future stories with her.”

NHK Taiga drama ‘Taira no Kiyomori’ is being broadcasted on Sunday (Tokyo time) at 8pm.


Below is the original article:


[シネマトゥデイ映画ニュース] 現在放送中の大河ドラマ「平清盛」で、源氏の棟梁(とうりょう)・源頼朝を演じ、ナレーションも務めた岡田将生が、理想の夫婦像について語った。

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