Oricon satisfaction level survey for SGRS Eps 1-3
Oricon has released the results of its survey on the satisfaction levels of Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū Episodes 1-3. I have translated the article below and have also translated the graph. The article was also uploaded in Asahi Shimbun, which shows how prestigious this drama is (for Asahi is a serious newspaper).
Prepared with such a suicidal love, Okada Masaki’s performance is highly praised, satisfaction level of “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” increases
4 Nov 2018
Starring Okada Masaki as a Rakugo master who displays his masterpiece, the NHK Drama 10 “Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū” is popular. Supervised by a rakugo master Yanagiya Kyōtarō, Okada’s rakugo surprised rakugo fans in a good way. According to the “Oricon Drama Value” satisfaction level published by the Weekly Entertainment Business Magazine “Confidence”, viewers sing their praises one by one. The satisfaction level of the drama itself is also rapidly increasing. We might see the dawn of Rakugo’s popularity.
Satisfaction level increased sharply from Episode 2; Rakugo’s popularity is predicted to increase
This production is based on Kumota Haruko’s best-selling manga “Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū” that has been sold for 2 million copies. Set in the early days of the Shōwa period, the series portrays Yakumo (formerly known as Kikuhiko) as the ‘big boss’ of the Rakugo world during that period, the life of Rakugo artists during the World War II era, the bonds between young Rakugo artists, the affections and jealousy of teachers-students and men-women, and goodbyes. In addition, the drama revolves around the mysterious accidental death of Sukeroku, Yakumo’s close friend and a genius and natural Rakugo talent.
With screenplay from the “Massan” TV series Habara Daisuke and directed by Tanada Yuki, the drama series has become a fertile human drama that attracts not only Rakugo fans but also general drama fans. Although the satisfaction level of Episode 1 was not high (just 37 points out of a possible 100 points), the satisfaction level of Episode 2 shot to 76 points. It increased further to 78 points for Ep 3. As a note, the highest satisfaction level for this season was TBS’ “Sitamachi Rocket” (90 points), followed by TV Tokyo’s “Harassment Game” (62 points). As you can see, “Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū” has gained considerable support starting from Episode 2.
Okada Masaki’s majestic Rakugo masterpiece received high ratings
Amongst the satisfaction variables, one variable that has maintained high points so far is the ‘main actor’. Portraying the head and master of a Rakugo family, Okada’s majestic Rakugo masterpiece seems to have attracted many viewers. Some of the comments are:
“Okada-kun’s Rakugo was amazing. The Rakugo scenes were enjoyable.” (50 years old female, Tokyo)
“Unexpectedly, the Rakugo was good. It betrayed my expectation in a good way.” (40 y.o. female, Tokyo)
“I’d like to see Okada Masaki’s new field.” (40 y.o. female, Saitama)
“(the show’s) density is thick and interesting. I’m paying attention to the relationships between characters.” (50 y.o. male, Osaka)
Okada revealed that he felt lost upon receiving this offer, for “I cannot do it half-heartedly”. However, he came to realise that “This is a role that cannot be done unless one knows and loves Rakugo” and that “I want to have a stronger feeling towards Rakugo and I want to totally give myself to this role”. With this determination, he dedicated himself to practicing Rakugo. Such preparation and effort bear a fruitful result that not only surprises Rakugo fans but also becomes a workmanship on its own. By establishing itself as an in-depth human drama, this series firmly grasps the viewers’ heart. Throughout this work, Okada admitted that “the more I learn Rakugo, the more I like it”. The feelings of such a person, who is synched to his role as such, have been projected on the screen.
Meanwhile, there are many who evaluate the Rakugo narratives and works, as well as how the drama showcases Rakugo itself. For these viewers, their opinions are clear: they think that the themes, stories, casting, acting, etc. were put together well and they feel the drama’s strength.
“I read the original work and I know the story, but the drama still has other interesting aspects. I’m looking forward to see what I want to see every week.” (30 y.o. female, Saitama)
“A very mysterious and powerful story. Totally blows my mind.” (40 y.o. male, Shiga)
“I’m a Rakugo fan and I’m always looking forward to this drama. I’d like to see more and longer Rakugo scenes.” (40 y.o. male, Kanagawa)
“I think the drama seriously addresses what Rakugo is.” (50 y.o. male, Chiba)
This drama has 10 instalments. Although the latter half seems to go full-throttle into suspense-mode, please enjoy Master Okada’s Rakugo and this human drama with its rich world of the Rakugo family who has survived thus far.
第2回放送から満足度ポイント急上昇 落語ブーム再来の予感
同作は、漫画家・雲田はるこ氏の累計200万部突破する人気コミック『昭和元禄落語心中』が原作。昭和の初期、落語の大名跡である「八雲」を襲名した前座名「菊比古」を主人公に、戦争の時代の落語家たちの生き様、芸の絆に結ばれた若者たちの熱い友情、師弟や男女の情愛と嫉妬、別れ、そして無二の親友であり同期入門の落語の天才・助六の事故死を巡る不可解な謎が描かれる。 脚本は連続テレビ小説『マッサン』の羽原大介氏、演出は映画監督のタナダユキ氏が手がけ、落語ファンだけでなく、ドラマファンも魅了する濃厚にして豊穣なヒューマンドラマになっている。 そんな同作は、初回の満足度は37Pt(100Pt満点)と決して高くはなかったが、第2回で76Ptと急上昇。第3回でも78Ptとさらにポイントアップしている。今期連ドラの初回満足度ランキングでは、1位『下町ロケット』(TBS系)が90Pt、10位の『ハラスメントゲーム』(テレビ東京系)は62Ptであることから、『昭和元禄落語心中』が第2回から一気に視聴者の高い支持を獲得していることがわかる。
満足度の項目のなかで、初回以降、高ポイントを維持しながら伸びているのが「主演」項目だ。落語家の名人を演じる岡田の威風堂々とした圧巻の落語に惹きつけられた視聴者は多かったようで、「岡田君の落語がすごい。落語シーンが楽しめる」(50代女性/東京)、「予想外に落語がよかった。いい意味で期待を裏切ってくれた」(40代男性/東京)、「岡田将生の新境地を見届けたい」(40代女性/埼玉)、「密度が濃くておもしろい、登場人物たちの関係性に注目している」(50代男性/大阪)といった声が寄せられている。 岡田は今作のオファーを受けたときに「生半可な気持ちではできない」と出演を迷ったことを明かしている。しかし、「落語を知り、落語を愛さないとできない役」であることを承知のうえで、「やりたいと思う気持ちが強くなり、この役と心中したい」と決意し、落語の稽古に打ち込んでいた。そんな覚悟と努力が実を結んだ名演は、落語ファンをも驚かせる出来栄えとなり、奥行きのある人間ドラマとして見事に成立させることで、視聴者の心をしっかりとつかんでいる。岡田は本作を通して「落語を知れば知るほど好きになっています」と語っており、そんな本人の気持ちも役柄とシンクロし、画面に映し出されているのかもしれない。
一方、その物語性や作品の落語への向き合い方を評価する声も多い。「原作を読んでストーリーは知っているけど、ドラマはまた違うおもしろさがある。毎週観たくなる内容になっていて楽しみ」(30代女性/埼玉)、「謎めいていて力のあるストーリー。とても先が気になる」(40代男性/滋賀)、「落語ファンですが、毎回見入ってしまう。もっと落語シーンを長く観てみたい」(40代女性/神奈川)、「落語を真剣に扱っていることを評価したい」(50代男性/千葉)など、テーマやストーリー性、キャストの演技などを総合した、ドラマそのものの力強さを感じている視聴者の意見も目立っている。 ドラマは全10回。後半はサスペンスフルな展開に入っていくようだが、岡田名人の落語とともにその世界を生き抜いた落語家たちの豊穣なヒューマンドラマを楽しみたい。
Rakugo no meijin-yaku de shuen suru okadamasaki ga akkan no enmoku o hirō suru NHK dorama 10 “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” ga kōhyōda. Yanagiya kyōtarō shishō ga kanshū suru gekichū no Okada no rakugo wa, rakugo fan o ī imi de odoroka se, shūkan entateinmentobijinesu-shi “konfidensu” ni yoru dorama manzokudochōsa `orikondoramabaryū' ni wa, shōsan no koe ga zokuzoku to yose rarete iru. Dō-saku no manzoku-do pointo mo kyūjōshō-chū. Rakugo būmu no sairai o yokan sa seru.
Dai 2-kai hōsō kara manzoku-do pointo kyūjōshō rakugo būmu sairai no yokan
Dō-saku wa, mangakka Kumota Haruko-shi no ruikei 200 manbutoppa suru ninki komikku “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” ga gensaku. Shōwa no shoki, rakugo no dai myōsekidearu `yakumo' o shūmei shita zenza-mei `kiku-hi ko' o shujinkō ni, sensō no jidai no rakugo-ka-tachi no ikizama,-gei no kizuna ni musuba reta wakamono-tachi no atsui yūjō, shitei ya danjo no jōai to shitto, wakare, soshite muni no shin'yūdeari dōki nyūmon no rakugo no tensai Sukeroku no jikoshi o meguru fukakaina nazo ga egaka reru.
Kyakuhon wa renzoku terebi shōsetsu “massan” no habara daisuke-shi, enshutsu wa eiga kantoku no tanadayuki-shi ga tegake, rakugo fan dakedenaku, dorama fan mo miryō suru nōkō ni shite hōjōna hyūmandorama ni natte iru. Son'na dō-saku wa, shokai no manzoku-do wa 37 Pt (100 Pt manten) to kesshite takaku wa nakattaga, dai 2-kai de 76 Pt to kyūjōshō. Dai 3-kai demo 78 Pt to sarani pointo appu shite iru. Konki ren dora no shokai manzoku-do rankingude wa, 1-i “shitamachi roketto” (TBS-kei) ga 90 Pt, 10-i no “harasumentogēmu” (Terebitōkyō-kei) wa 62 Ptdearu koto kara,“Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” ga dai 2-kai kara ikkini shichō-sha no takai shiji o kakutoku shite iru koto ga wakaru.
Ifudōdō to shita okadamasaki no akkan no rakugo ga kō hyōka
Manzoku-do no kōmoku no naka de, shokai ikō,-kō pointo o iji shinagara nobite iru no ga `shuen' kōmokuda. Rakugo-ka no meijin o enjiru Okada no ifudōdō to shita akkan no rakugo ni hiki tsuke rareta shichō-sha wa ōkatta yō de,`okada kun no rakugo ga sugoi. Rakugo shīn ga tanoshimeru'(50-dai josei/ Tōkyō),`yosō-gai ni rakugo ga yokatta. Ī imi de kitai o uragitte kureta'(40-dai dansei/ Tōkyō),`okadamasaki no shin kyōchi o mitodoketai'(40-dai josei/ Saitama),`mitsudo ga kokute omoshiroi, tōjō jinbutsu-tachi no kankei-sei ni chūmoku shite iru'(50-dai dansei/ Ōsaka) to itta koe ga yose rarete iru.
Okada wa konsaku no ofā o uketa toki ni `namahankana kimochide wa dekinai' to shutsuen o mayotta koto o akashite iru. Shikashi,`rakugo o shiri, rakugo o aisanai to dekinai yaku'dearu koto o shōchi no ue de,`yaritai to omou kimochi ga tsuyoku nari, kono yaku to shinjū shitai' to ketsui shi, rakugo no keiko ni uchikonde ita. Son'na kakugo to doryoku ga mi o musunda meien wa, rakugo fan o mo odoroka seru dekibae to nari, okuyuki no aru ningen dorama to shite migoto ni seiritsu sa seru koto de, shichō-sha no kokoro o shikkari to tsukande iru. Okada wa honsaku o tōshite `rakugo o shirebashiruhodo suki ni natte imasu' to katatte ori, son'na hon'nin no kimochi mo yakugara to shinkuro shi, gamen ni utsushidasa rete iru no kamo shirenai.
`Gensaku o yonde sutōrī wa shitte irukedo, dorama wa mata chigau omoshiro-sa ga aru. Maishū mitaku naru naiyō ni natte ite tanoshimi'(30-dai josei/ Saitama),`nazo meite ite chikara no aru sutōrī. Totemo saki ga ki ni naru'(40-dai dansei/ Shiga),`rakugo fandesuga, maikai miitte shimau. Motto rakugo shīn o nagaku mite mitai'(40-dai josei/ Kanagawa),`rakugo o shinken ni atsukatte iru koto o hyōka shitai'(50-dai dansei/ Chiba) nado, tēma ya sutōrī-sei, kyasuto no engi nado o sōgō shita, dorama sonomono no chikaradzuyo-sa o kanjite iru shichō-sha no iken mo medatte iru.
Dorama wa zen 10-kai. Kōhan wa sasupensu furuna tenkai ni haitte iku yōdaga, Okada meijin no rakugo to tomoni sono sekai o ikinuita rakugo-ka-tachi no hōjōna hyūmandorama o tanoshi mitai.
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Okada Masaki as Hachidaime Yūrakutei Yakumo |
Prepared with such a suicidal love, Okada Masaki’s performance is highly praised, satisfaction level of “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” increases
4 Nov 2018
Starring Okada Masaki as a Rakugo master who displays his masterpiece, the NHK Drama 10 “Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū” is popular. Supervised by a rakugo master Yanagiya Kyōtarō, Okada’s rakugo surprised rakugo fans in a good way. According to the “Oricon Drama Value” satisfaction level published by the Weekly Entertainment Business Magazine “Confidence”, viewers sing their praises one by one. The satisfaction level of the drama itself is also rapidly increasing. We might see the dawn of Rakugo’s popularity.
Satisfaction level increased sharply from Episode 2; Rakugo’s popularity is predicted to increase
This production is based on Kumota Haruko’s best-selling manga “Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū” that has been sold for 2 million copies. Set in the early days of the Shōwa period, the series portrays Yakumo (formerly known as Kikuhiko) as the ‘big boss’ of the Rakugo world during that period, the life of Rakugo artists during the World War II era, the bonds between young Rakugo artists, the affections and jealousy of teachers-students and men-women, and goodbyes. In addition, the drama revolves around the mysterious accidental death of Sukeroku, Yakumo’s close friend and a genius and natural Rakugo talent.
With screenplay from the “Massan” TV series Habara Daisuke and directed by Tanada Yuki, the drama series has become a fertile human drama that attracts not only Rakugo fans but also general drama fans. Although the satisfaction level of Episode 1 was not high (just 37 points out of a possible 100 points), the satisfaction level of Episode 2 shot to 76 points. It increased further to 78 points for Ep 3. As a note, the highest satisfaction level for this season was TBS’ “Sitamachi Rocket” (90 points), followed by TV Tokyo’s “Harassment Game” (62 points). As you can see, “Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū” has gained considerable support starting from Episode 2.
Okada Masaki’s majestic Rakugo masterpiece received high ratings
Amongst the satisfaction variables, one variable that has maintained high points so far is the ‘main actor’. Portraying the head and master of a Rakugo family, Okada’s majestic Rakugo masterpiece seems to have attracted many viewers. Some of the comments are:
“Okada-kun’s Rakugo was amazing. The Rakugo scenes were enjoyable.” (50 years old female, Tokyo)
“Unexpectedly, the Rakugo was good. It betrayed my expectation in a good way.” (40 y.o. female, Tokyo)
“I’d like to see Okada Masaki’s new field.” (40 y.o. female, Saitama)
“(the show’s) density is thick and interesting. I’m paying attention to the relationships between characters.” (50 y.o. male, Osaka)
Okada revealed that he felt lost upon receiving this offer, for “I cannot do it half-heartedly”. However, he came to realise that “This is a role that cannot be done unless one knows and loves Rakugo” and that “I want to have a stronger feeling towards Rakugo and I want to totally give myself to this role”. With this determination, he dedicated himself to practicing Rakugo. Such preparation and effort bear a fruitful result that not only surprises Rakugo fans but also becomes a workmanship on its own. By establishing itself as an in-depth human drama, this series firmly grasps the viewers’ heart. Throughout this work, Okada admitted that “the more I learn Rakugo, the more I like it”. The feelings of such a person, who is synched to his role as such, have been projected on the screen.
Meanwhile, there are many who evaluate the Rakugo narratives and works, as well as how the drama showcases Rakugo itself. For these viewers, their opinions are clear: they think that the themes, stories, casting, acting, etc. were put together well and they feel the drama’s strength.
“I read the original work and I know the story, but the drama still has other interesting aspects. I’m looking forward to see what I want to see every week.” (30 y.o. female, Saitama)
“A very mysterious and powerful story. Totally blows my mind.” (40 y.o. male, Shiga)
“I’m a Rakugo fan and I’m always looking forward to this drama. I’d like to see more and longer Rakugo scenes.” (40 y.o. male, Kanagawa)
“I think the drama seriously addresses what Rakugo is.” (50 y.o. male, Chiba)
This drama has 10 instalments. Although the latter half seems to go full-throttle into suspense-mode, please enjoy Master Okada’s Rakugo and this human drama with its rich world of the Rakugo family who has survived thus far.
岡田将生「役と心中する覚悟」の熱演が高評価 『昭和元禄落語心中』満足度急上昇
第2回放送から満足度ポイント急上昇 落語ブーム再来の予感
同作は、漫画家・雲田はるこ氏の累計200万部突破する人気コミック『昭和元禄落語心中』が原作。昭和の初期、落語の大名跡である「八雲」を襲名した前座名「菊比古」を主人公に、戦争の時代の落語家たちの生き様、芸の絆に結ばれた若者たちの熱い友情、師弟や男女の情愛と嫉妬、別れ、そして無二の親友であり同期入門の落語の天才・助六の事故死を巡る不可解な謎が描かれる。 脚本は連続テレビ小説『マッサン』の羽原大介氏、演出は映画監督のタナダユキ氏が手がけ、落語ファンだけでなく、ドラマファンも魅了する濃厚にして豊穣なヒューマンドラマになっている。 そんな同作は、初回の満足度は37Pt(100Pt満点)と決して高くはなかったが、第2回で76Ptと急上昇。第3回でも78Ptとさらにポイントアップしている。今期連ドラの初回満足度ランキングでは、1位『下町ロケット』(TBS系)が90Pt、10位の『ハラスメントゲーム』(テレビ東京系)は62Ptであることから、『昭和元禄落語心中』が第2回から一気に視聴者の高い支持を獲得していることがわかる。
満足度の項目のなかで、初回以降、高ポイントを維持しながら伸びているのが「主演」項目だ。落語家の名人を演じる岡田の威風堂々とした圧巻の落語に惹きつけられた視聴者は多かったようで、「岡田君の落語がすごい。落語シーンが楽しめる」(50代女性/東京)、「予想外に落語がよかった。いい意味で期待を裏切ってくれた」(40代男性/東京)、「岡田将生の新境地を見届けたい」(40代女性/埼玉)、「密度が濃くておもしろい、登場人物たちの関係性に注目している」(50代男性/大阪)といった声が寄せられている。 岡田は今作のオファーを受けたときに「生半可な気持ちではできない」と出演を迷ったことを明かしている。しかし、「落語を知り、落語を愛さないとできない役」であることを承知のうえで、「やりたいと思う気持ちが強くなり、この役と心中したい」と決意し、落語の稽古に打ち込んでいた。そんな覚悟と努力が実を結んだ名演は、落語ファンをも驚かせる出来栄えとなり、奥行きのある人間ドラマとして見事に成立させることで、視聴者の心をしっかりとつかんでいる。岡田は本作を通して「落語を知れば知るほど好きになっています」と語っており、そんな本人の気持ちも役柄とシンクロし、画面に映し出されているのかもしれない。
一方、その物語性や作品の落語への向き合い方を評価する声も多い。「原作を読んでストーリーは知っているけど、ドラマはまた違うおもしろさがある。毎週観たくなる内容になっていて楽しみ」(30代女性/埼玉)、「謎めいていて力のあるストーリー。とても先が気になる」(40代男性/滋賀)、「落語ファンですが、毎回見入ってしまう。もっと落語シーンを長く観てみたい」(40代女性/神奈川)、「落語を真剣に扱っていることを評価したい」(50代男性/千葉)など、テーマやストーリー性、キャストの演技などを総合した、ドラマそのものの力強さを感じている視聴者の意見も目立っている。 ドラマは全10回。後半はサスペンスフルな展開に入っていくようだが、岡田名人の落語とともにその世界を生き抜いた落語家たちの豊穣なヒューマンドラマを楽しみたい。
Okadamasaki `yaku to shinjū suru kakugo' no netsuen ga kō hyōka “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” manzoku-do kyūjōshō
Rakugo no meijin-yaku de shuen suru okadamasaki ga akkan no enmoku o hirō suru NHK dorama 10 “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” ga kōhyōda. Yanagiya kyōtarō shishō ga kanshū suru gekichū no Okada no rakugo wa, rakugo fan o ī imi de odoroka se, shūkan entateinmentobijinesu-shi “konfidensu” ni yoru dorama manzokudochōsa `orikondoramabaryū' ni wa, shōsan no koe ga zokuzoku to yose rarete iru. Dō-saku no manzoku-do pointo mo kyūjōshō-chū. Rakugo būmu no sairai o yokan sa seru.
Dai 2-kai hōsō kara manzoku-do pointo kyūjōshō rakugo būmu sairai no yokan
Dō-saku wa, mangakka Kumota Haruko-shi no ruikei 200 manbutoppa suru ninki komikku “Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” ga gensaku. Shōwa no shoki, rakugo no dai myōsekidearu `yakumo' o shūmei shita zenza-mei `kiku-hi ko' o shujinkō ni, sensō no jidai no rakugo-ka-tachi no ikizama,-gei no kizuna ni musuba reta wakamono-tachi no atsui yūjō, shitei ya danjo no jōai to shitto, wakare, soshite muni no shin'yūdeari dōki nyūmon no rakugo no tensai Sukeroku no jikoshi o meguru fukakaina nazo ga egaka reru.
Kyakuhon wa renzoku terebi shōsetsu “massan” no habara daisuke-shi, enshutsu wa eiga kantoku no tanadayuki-shi ga tegake, rakugo fan dakedenaku, dorama fan mo miryō suru nōkō ni shite hōjōna hyūmandorama ni natte iru. Son'na dō-saku wa, shokai no manzoku-do wa 37 Pt (100 Pt manten) to kesshite takaku wa nakattaga, dai 2-kai de 76 Pt to kyūjōshō. Dai 3-kai demo 78 Pt to sarani pointo appu shite iru. Konki ren dora no shokai manzoku-do rankingude wa, 1-i “shitamachi roketto” (TBS-kei) ga 90 Pt, 10-i no “harasumentogēmu” (Terebitōkyō-kei) wa 62 Ptdearu koto kara,“Shōwa genroku rakugo shinjū” ga dai 2-kai kara ikkini shichō-sha no takai shiji o kakutoku shite iru koto ga wakaru.
Ifudōdō to shita okadamasaki no akkan no rakugo ga kō hyōka
Manzoku-do no kōmoku no naka de, shokai ikō,-kō pointo o iji shinagara nobite iru no ga `shuen' kōmokuda. Rakugo-ka no meijin o enjiru Okada no ifudōdō to shita akkan no rakugo ni hiki tsuke rareta shichō-sha wa ōkatta yō de,`okada kun no rakugo ga sugoi. Rakugo shīn ga tanoshimeru'(50-dai josei/ Tōkyō),`yosō-gai ni rakugo ga yokatta. Ī imi de kitai o uragitte kureta'(40-dai dansei/ Tōkyō),`okadamasaki no shin kyōchi o mitodoketai'(40-dai josei/ Saitama),`mitsudo ga kokute omoshiroi, tōjō jinbutsu-tachi no kankei-sei ni chūmoku shite iru'(50-dai dansei/ Ōsaka) to itta koe ga yose rarete iru.
Okada wa konsaku no ofā o uketa toki ni `namahankana kimochide wa dekinai' to shutsuen o mayotta koto o akashite iru. Shikashi,`rakugo o shiri, rakugo o aisanai to dekinai yaku'dearu koto o shōchi no ue de,`yaritai to omou kimochi ga tsuyoku nari, kono yaku to shinjū shitai' to ketsui shi, rakugo no keiko ni uchikonde ita. Son'na kakugo to doryoku ga mi o musunda meien wa, rakugo fan o mo odoroka seru dekibae to nari, okuyuki no aru ningen dorama to shite migoto ni seiritsu sa seru koto de, shichō-sha no kokoro o shikkari to tsukande iru. Okada wa honsaku o tōshite `rakugo o shirebashiruhodo suki ni natte imasu' to katatte ori, son'na hon'nin no kimochi mo yakugara to shinkuro shi, gamen ni utsushidasa rete iru no kamo shirenai.
`Gensaku o yonde sutōrī wa shitte irukedo, dorama wa mata chigau omoshiro-sa ga aru. Maishū mitaku naru naiyō ni natte ite tanoshimi'(30-dai josei/ Saitama),`nazo meite ite chikara no aru sutōrī. Totemo saki ga ki ni naru'(40-dai dansei/ Shiga),`rakugo fandesuga, maikai miitte shimau. Motto rakugo shīn o nagaku mite mitai'(40-dai josei/ Kanagawa),`rakugo o shinken ni atsukatte iru koto o hyōka shitai'(50-dai dansei/ Chiba) nado, tēma ya sutōrī-sei, kyasuto no engi nado o sōgō shita, dorama sonomono no chikaradzuyo-sa o kanjite iru shichō-sha no iken mo medatte iru.
Dorama wa zen 10-kai. Kōhan wa sasupensu furuna tenkai ni haitte iku yōdaga, Okada meijin no rakugo to tomoni sono sekai o ikinuita rakugo-ka-tachi no hōjōna hyūmandorama o tanoshi mitai.