WOWOW Hamlet celebration interview
Kuroki Haru (Ophelia) and Okada Masaki (Hamlet) promoting the WOWOW broadcast for 31 August 2019 日本語の本文もあります。最後まで、スクロるしてください。Wisteriaさん、ありがとうございました! Pardon my absence for the last few months; my real life prevented me from doing anything Masaki-related (translation とか, making a new MV とか…). But in late September, Wisteria-san sent me her transcription of an interview that Okada Masaki and Kuroki Haru made for the Hamlet WOWOW broadcast, and I really like that interview. Hence, here’s my translation of that interview transcript. Wisteria-san was actually more than capable of translating their interview into English herself, but I specifically asked her to send me her transcription in Kanji and kana, so that I can practice my Japanese. Hence, any mistakes in this translation is entirely mine, except for some parts where I’ve asked Wisteria-san for help, for those parts proved to be too difficult for me to understand. While I understand that most overseas fans have not seen Haml...